Status of implementation commitments

Rate of current and future implementation commitments according to notification data

The current rate of implementation commitments stands at 100.0% with a time-frame spanning from February 2017 to December 2019

Status of Notification

Implementation Notifications (Categories A, B, C) Due date Status
Notified all category ABC designations 22 February 2017 Yes
Notified indicative dates in Category B 22 February 2017 Yes
Notified definitive dates in Category B 22 February 2018 Yes
Transparency notifications
Art. 1.4 (internet publication of import, export and transit procedures and enquiry points) Category A Definitive implementation date 22 February 2017 Yes
Art. 10.4.3 (operation of the single window) Category A Definitive implementation date 22 February 2017 Yes
Art. 10.6.2 (use of customs brokers) Category A Definitive implementation date 22 February 2017 Yes
Art. 12.2.2 (contact points for customs cooperation) Category A Definitive implementation date 22 February 2017 Yes
Notification presented
Notification due
Notification not yet due

Notifications and other submissions

Symbol Date Description
Experience Type Subject/TFA Article Member/Presenter Title Date
Members' Experience-Sharing

Article 1.1 - Publication

Article 7.1 - Pre-arrival processing

Article 7.3 - Separation of release

Article 7.8 - Expedited shipments

Article 8 - Border Agency Cooperation

Article 10.1 - Formalities

Article 10.2 - Acceptance of copies

Article 10.4 - Single window

United States




G/TFA/W/25 - Supporting the timely and efficient release of global goods through accelerated implementation of the TFA

20 October 2020 - 22 October 2020

Trade Facilitation Committee

Members' Experience-Sharing

Article 7.6 - Average release times


Time release study

3 March 2021

Trade Facilitation Committee

Members' Experience-Sharing

Article 7.6 - Average release times


Time Release Study (Exports)

16 April 2024 - 17 April 2024

Trade Facilitation Committee

Members' Experience-Sharing

Article 7.7 - Authorized operators


Brazil's AEO programme

9 October 2018 - 11 October 2018

Trade Facilitation Committee

Members' Experience-Sharing

Article 10.4 - Single window


Single window implementation in Brazil

9 October 2018 - 11 October 2018

Trade Facilitation Committee

Members' Experience-Sharing

Article 10.4 - Single window


TFA implementation in Brazil through Public-Private Partnership (Ms. Glenda Bezerra Lustosa)

15 October 2019 - 16 October 2019

Trade Facilitation Committee

Members' Experience-Sharing

Article 10.4 - Single window


Cargo and transit control for imports via Air Mode

3 October 2023 - 5 October 2023

Trade Facilitation Committee and dedicated session on technical assistance

Members' Experience-Sharing


Report on the 3rd meeting of NTFCs from Latin America (in Spanish)

3 October 2023 - 5 October 2023

Trade Facilitation Committee and dedicated session on technical assistance

Members' Experience-Sharing


National Committee on Trade Facilitation - CONFAC

2 May 2018 - 3 May 2018

Trade Facilitation Committee

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2024 - version 4.