explain these figures

These figures represent the current rate of implementation commitments by all WTO Members.  Collectively, these commitments provide a roadmap of when the TFA can be expected to be fully implemented by the entire membership.

They are based on implementation commitments by:

    • developed Members who have committed to implement the Agreement upon entry into force, that is by 22/02/2017; and
    • developing and LDC Members that have committed to set their own timetable for implementation in their cat. A, B and C notifications.  
  • The figure showing the rate of implementation commitments to date is composed of:
    • All developed Members commitments
    • Cat. A commitments by developing Members and LDCs that were due for implementation on 22/02/2017 and 22/02/2018 respectively
    • Any Cat. B or C commitment of both developing and LDCs with current implementation dates
  • The figure showing the rate of implementation commitments from a given date to a given date without capacity building support, is composed of Cat. B commitments that are due for implementation within the indicated time-frame. Those Cat. B commitments with no implementation date yet notified, will be counted here as well.  
  • The figure showing the rate of implementation from a given date to a given date upon receipt of capacity building support, is composed of Cat. C commitments that are due for implementation within the indicated time-frame.  Cat. C commitments with no implementation date, will be counted here as well.  
  • The figure showing the rate of implementation commitments "not yet designated" refers to those commitments that have not yet been designated under any category.  

Implementation obligations only commence once the Member has completed the ratification process.  

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2024 - version 4.