
Publicación de información para los gobiernos y los comerciantes

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Certificate of Origin Procedure

Procedure for Submitting Certificate of Origin or Invoice Declaration along with Customs Complementary Documents for Inspection of Certificate of Origin in Order to Impose Tariffs on Imported Goods Under International Treaties or Agreements During 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic (Covid-19)

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Exemption of Ethyl Alcohol Excise for Social Purposes as raw material or auxiliary material in the manufacturing of end products in the context of dealing Covid-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Additional Incentives for Bonded Zone (KB) Companies and/or Companies with Import Facility for Export Purpose (KITE) to Handle the Corona Virus (Covid-19) Disaster.

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Providing customs and/or excise facilities as well as taxation on the importation of goods for the purposes of handling the pandemic corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19).

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Revised list on imported goods provided facilities mentioned above (the third amendment, entry into force 12 July 2021).

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Customs duties and taxes exemptions for the import of Covid-19 vaccine, raw materials used in the production of the vaccine, and equipment needed for vaccine production and handling.

Procedimientos/licencias de importación y exportación, y los formularios y documentos exigidos

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Certificate of Origin Procedure

Procedure for Submitting Certificate of Origin or Invoice Declaration along with Customs Complementary Documents for Inspection of Certificate of Origin in Order to Impose Tariffs on Imported Goods Under International Treaties or Agreements During 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic (Covid-19)

Tipos de los derechos aplicados

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Exemption of Ethyl Alcohol Excise for Social Purposes as raw material or auxiliary material in the manufacturing of end products in the context of dealing Covid-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Additional Incentives for Bonded Zone (KB) Companies and/or Companies with Import Facility for Export Purpose (KITE) to Handle the Corona Virus (Covid-19) Disaster.

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Providing customs and/or excise facilities as well as taxation on the importation of goods for the purposes of handling the pandemic corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19).

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Revised list on imported goods provided facilities mentioned above (the third amendment, entry into force 12 July 2021).

COVID-19 – Import-related measures (goods) - Provisions of customs and/or excise facilities

Customs duties and taxes exemptions for the import of Covid-19 vaccine, raw materials used in the production of the vaccine, and equipment needed for vaccine production and handling.

Tasas por el formulario del certificado de origen

Menú: Indonesia ATR information/administrative rulings/ administration concerning custom valuation

Leyes, reglamentos y procedimientos en materia de origen

Restricciones o prohibiciones en materia de importación o exportación (disponibles para cada código del SA)

Disposiciones sobre sanciones por infracciones cometidas en la importación y exportación

Disposiciones sobre sanciones por infracciones cometidas en la importación y exportación

Tel: +62 1 500 225

Disposiciones sobre sanciones por infracciones cometidas en la importación y exportación (de productos agrícolas, animales y vegetales)

Disposiciones sobre sanciones por infracciones cometidas en la importación y exportación (de productos pesqueros y mariscos)

Disposiciones sobre sanciones por infracciones cometidas en la importación y exportación (de productos alimenticios elaborados, de productos farmacéuticos y de cosméticos)

Acuerdos con países asociados en acuerdos de libre comercio, así como los aranceles preferenciales aplicados a cada código del SA que guarda relación con acuerdos

Indonesia no abre sus contingentes arancelarios porque los aranceles aplicados son inferiores al arancel consolidado dentro del contingente.

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2024 - version 4.